Yash Pardasani
PhD student yash.pardasani{at}ebc.uu.se Before joining the Burki lab in March 2023, I finished my Master’s degree (MRes) in Algal Biotechnology Biology and Ecology on the topic “Survival potential of microalgae for long-term space missions”, at the Scottish association for marine sciences (SAMS UHI). I worked on algal cultivation, investigating algal life cycles (Antarctic snow algae, fresh water and marine species) and metabolites (using HPLC and GCMS) for space biotechnology application. I am glad that I got the opportunity to work on this amazing project for my PhD. I will be working on heterotrophic Paulinella amoebas to understand the origin of plastids (primary endosymbiosis). I am also quite interested in science communication, ubiquitous on social media ;-) Twitter: @thealgaeman Instagram: @the_algaeman LinkedIn: yash-pardasani |